How To Create Your Own Blog To Make Extra Money
How To Create Your Own Blog To Make Extra Money
A blog (a shortened form of weblog) is simply an online journal or information-sharing website showing information in reverse chronological sequence, with recent posts appearing at the top, and the oldest posts at the bottom. It was not originally created as a means of making money, but instead as a personal relaxation and a way to express one’s own creative talents. However, blogging for profit has come along and has become one of the most lucrative ways of making money over the internet. Blogging for profit basically means writing a blog and having ads on it, which allows you to earn money from your blog without actually selling anything on it. This is a very simple function, but one that every successful blogger understands.
There are two types of blogging: static websites and dynamic websites. Static websites, as the name implies, are blog posts that stay the same throughout the lifetime of a blog. While dynamic websites change frequently depending on what is being blogged about and how the blog itself is maintained, this is not usually a major factor. However, bloggers who are very dedicated to their craft and enjoy experimenting with various topics may find this limiting to their blogging activities. Bloggers have several options when it comes to creating a dynamic blog, but they all essentially boil down to either creating a blog post within a script or using WordPress to create and maintain a WordPress blog. The latter is generally considered the easiest option, though some static bloggers prefer not to use WordPress because it is so easy to modify and customize.
A static website is really nothing more than a webpage that serves as a repository for blog posts and other content. There are several reasons why some bloggers would prefer a static website over a WordPress blog. Static websites are much easier to manage than WordPress blogs. There are literally dozens of plugins available for WordPress that can extend its capabilities, and it is easy to learn and apply these tools to a static website. Additionally, static websites are virtually maintenance free. There are no scripts to download, install, configure, or manage, so there is no need for a web designer or Web programmer.
Some static websites also offer podcast capabilities. There are blog platforms that have podcast capabilities, which allows a blog writer to easily record audio and voice blogs that can then be published to podcast directories. Some static websites even offer photo and video blogs that can be updated with images and videos added on a whim or based on the whimsy of the particular blog writer. Some static websites are used to store an individual’s entire digital life in one location, so they can be viewed from any computer on the planet. This means that if you have a static website that is updated every week, there is no need to purchase another computer, since your blog can update itself.
For many people, the idea of updating a blog with some arbitrary code makes them wary of the technology. Fortunately, this is not the case for most static websites. As stated above, almost any code that you write can be changed at any time. If a static website already exists that you wish to add functionality to, you can simply rewrite the existing code in a way that will add your desired functionality to the static website.
As stated earlier, one of the benefits of blogs over traditional websites is the maintenance-free nature of the medium. Since blogs are maintained by the owner of the blog, you do not have to worry about complying with search engine guidelines. The same is true of RSS feeds. Unlike regular websites, blogs are easy to subscribe to, easy to archive, and easy to publish. The only rule that you must follow when publishing a blog is that you should add an attribution paragraph that includes the name, contact information, and website link of the author. With these simple steps, you can create your own blog to make extra money or to provide a personal outlet for creativity.